One of Opera Bites' founding members, Murray Dahm has been providing Sydney with informative and entertaining opera lectures since 2003. Join him as he explores a variety of areas of operatic history from composers and voice types through to genres and quirky bits of opera history.
For further information phone Murray direct on 0403 780 108
October - November - December 2020
Great Operatic Basses and Baritones
From villains to buffoons, philosophers to kings and even gods, basses and
baritones feature in almost every opera. Whether the voice of reason, comedy
or crime, the distinct dark tones of the bass and baritone voice colour many of
our ideas about how opera should be performed from Dr Dulcamara to Scarpia,
Zarastro to the Devil. The music for these voices is among opera's most famous
and these roles have been performed by some of the greatest performers.
Join us for this course where we will examine opera’s most famous basses and
baritones and the roles they have sung. The course will make extensive use of
recordings and DVDs.
Thursdays 10.00am – 12.00pm
15 October - 17 December 2020 (Incl)
Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
$330 (10 Week Course)
Couple / Double Enrolment: $550 for 2 - Enrol with a friend and save!
Casual Drop In $45 per class (Subject to space availability - please contact prior via the "Contact" page).
Enrol by completing the Enrolment Form below and returning or phone 0403 780 108.
Download Enrolment Form - Great Operatic Basses and Baritones